A practical guide to the ancient magical tradition of Russian sorcery and Eastern Slavic magical rites
• Offers step-by-step instructions for more than 300 spells, incantations, charms, amulets, and practical rituals for love, career success, protection, healing, divination, communicating with spirits and ancestors, and other challenges and situations
• Reveals specific places of magical power in the natural world as well as the profound power of graveyards and churches for casting spells
• Explores the folk history of this ancient magical tradition, including how the pagan gods gained new life as Eastern Orthodox saints, and shares folktales of magical beings, including sorceresses shapeshifting into animals and household objects
Passed down through generations, the Slavic practice of magic, witchcraft, and sorcery is still alive and well in Russia, the Ukraine, and Belarus, as well as the Balkans and the Baltic states. There are still witches who whisper upon tied knots to curse or heal, sorceresses who shapeshift into animals or household objects, magicians who cast spells for love or good fortune, and common folk who seek their aid for daily problems big and small.
Sharing the extensive knowledge she inherited from her mother and grandmother, including spells of the “Old Believers” previously unknown to outsiders, Natasha Helvin explores in detail the folk history and practice of Russian sorcery and Eastern Slavic magical rites, offering a rich compendium of more than 300 spells, incantations, charms, and practical rituals for love, relationships, career success, protection, healing, divination, averting the evil eye, communicating with spirits and ancestors, and a host of other life challenges and daily situations, with complete step-by-step instructions to ensure your magical goals are realized. She explains how this tradition has only a thin Christian veneer over its pagan origins and how the Slavic pagan gods and goddesses acquired new lives as the saints of the Eastern Orthodox Church. She details how the magical energy for these spells and rituals is drawn from the forces of nature, revealing specific places of power in the natural world as well as the profound power of graveyards and churches for casting spells. She explores the creation of amulets and talismans, the importance of icons, and the proper recital of magical language and actions during spells, as well as how one becomes a witch or sorceress.
Offering a close examination of these two-thousand-year-old occult practices, Helvin also includes Slavic folk advice, adapted for the modern era. Revealing what it means to be a Slavic witch or sorceress, and how this vocation pervades all aspects of life, she shows that each of us has magic within that we can use to take control of our own destiny.

In this book, I will present the foundations of the belief system and occult practiced by blasphemers and heretics.
The text considers the main components of the faith: questions about the forces and people’s relationships with them, the creation of the world, moral values, religious practices, attitudes toward various social institutions, and so on. The purpose of this book is to familiarize all those who are interested in the teachings of Russian black mages as it has been passed on through mage communities for generations.
Witchcraft is a system of certain theoretical and practical knowledge based on universal laws. This system of knowledge enables mages to influence others. There are many different systems of witchcraft in the world, but likely the most well known and effective is the witchcraft tradition that has developed over the past two millennia based on Christianity, the world’s dominant religion. At the heart of this witchcraft, tradition is the confrontation between good and evil (God and the devil).
Russian black magic is cerebral and philosophical, a studied practice of intellectual arts and the manifestation of the human Will. It is for those who are curious about the unknown, rather than those who fear mysteries and taboos.
From the beginning of time, all cultures have had mystical traditions, secret teachings, and myths explaining the nature of the world. Many of these myths were dichotomies that divided the world into cosmic and chthonic forces: the light gods of heaven and the dark gods of the underworld. The forces of the original universe were projected onto heaven and earth and took on forms native to those places. A way to think about this is that there is a tree with two sets of branches; the first set of branches grew in heaven, and the second set grew in the underworld. Each group had its own hierarchy, fulfilled a role in the universe, and guarded secrets. Both sets of branches were made of intelligent spiritual beings—angels in the upper world, demons in the underworld—each with a name, personal characteristics, a particular form, and a seal. The different branches are all of one tree trunk. The different paths, spirits, and demons of witchcraft are all connected to one concept and one concept only: the manipulation and manifestation of the human will.

Ancestral Slavic Magic
Transcend Family Patterns and Empower Ancestral Connections
A guide to harnessing ancestral power in the Slavic Pagan Tradition
Offers traditional rituals and spells to help you connect with your ancestors, see your family’s ancestral patterns, and change your destiny
Examines the history of ancestor worship in the Slavic tradition and ancient Slavic burial and funeral customs, many of which are still practiced today in remote pockets of Russia
Explores the similarities between ancestral beliefs in Haitian Vodou and the Slavic tradition
Born in the Soviet Union, where she grew up steeped in ancient Slavic magical traditions, occultist and hereditary witch Natasha Helvin reveals not only how you are continually and powerfully influenced by your ancestors, but also how you can open the door to your ancestral connections in order to know who you truly are and change the course of your destiny.
Helvin examines ancestor worship in southeastern Europe and western Russia and the way it shaped their indigenous magical and spiritual practices. She explains how energy flows in a familial context and how strengths and dysfunctions are passed from one generation to the next for centuries, becoming embedded in your body and mind as specific patterns that affect your life. She shares time-honored rituals and spells to help you to recognize these ancestral patterns and influences, make changes in the harmful ones, and harness your familial strengths to direct your destiny.
Looking at both Slavic Pagan and Eastern Orthodox traditions concerning the dead, the author examines ancient Slavic burial and funeral customs, many of which are still practiced today in remote regions of Ukraine and Russia. She reveals how these burial rites became incorporated into rural witchcraft practices, and she explains traditional Slavic ideas on death and the afterlife, the soul, the spiritual power of colors, and magical objects. Helvin—an initiate in Haitian Vodou—also looks at the parallels between Vodou and the folk magic of the Slavic tradition.
Presenting an in-depth look at ancestor worship and magic in the Slavic Pagan tradition, Helvin shows how forging a stronger connection to your ancestors can lead to increased power and understanding in life.